

Page history last edited by Mr. Correia 7 years, 10 months ago















iMovie Explained Brainstorming

STEP 1: Create an New Project

STEP 5: Video Effects and Speed

Assignment 1

Filmology Storyboarding 

STEP 2: Importing and Using Your Clips Into iMovie

STEP 6: Adding Sound and Audio Effects

Assignment 2

Rules Videos  

STEP 3: To Add a Transition

STEP 7: Cropping, Color, Saturation and Tone

Assignment 3

The Lifecycle of a Movie


STEP 4: To Add a Title

STEP 8: Stabilize and Rotate

Assignment 4




NOTE:                                                                                             ______________________                                                            _________

  • For optimal viewing I suggest you view each page with the page maximized which can be done by selecting the arrow on the top right corner of the page. 
  • All videos and related tips and articles are a collection of free content found on the internet and I am in no way claiming ownership or profit from them in any way. All sources have attempted to have been referenced on the bottom or each page. This site is strictly for educational purposes.

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